August went by quickly, but it was a quiet one for sure. Filled with a couple birthdays and a curve ball or two.
CW: food, alcohol mention, images of bats

Caught up with one of my good friends earlier in the month. We had a nice sit down on the grass area outside my apartment. We ended up talking for hours, until about 11pm at night! She stopped by a place downtown that does Gin Lemonade Slushies and picked some up for us to enjoy. They were lavender lemonade flavored specifically and were DELICIOUS. Unfortunately they were out of the little gin bottles that they sell with the lemonade so the bartender was happy to bootleg us a little brown bottle of their bulk stash which they definitely weren't suppose to do.... but they felt so bad she made the trip out there specifically for it so!

As I mentioned in my last entry, I took up journaling! Just simple entries everyday to see how I use my time. My partner and I went to Michael's a bit ago and I picked up this accessory for it! It's handy to keep my favorite pen and my markers I frequently use close by. Plus it's just absolutely adorable!!

The 17th was my partner's birthday!! Their mom loves to buy cakes for occasions like this but since Rid isn't a huge fan of your average cake, they decided they wanted a Lemon Poppy Seed cake which was SO GOOD. We ended up taking home the leftovers and it was a set of leftovers that we actually finished. I'm still thinking about this thing.......

We had a bat in our apartment... again!! This is the third bat that has somehow gotten in. Luckily enough, he started screeching and making noise when the cats started to notice him (since we didn't), and so we wrangled the boys up and closed them in our bedroom. The poor thing was laying on the floor next to our roomba, which worked out immensely for us because it made him much easier to capture. With the cats out of the way, we got a towel and bunched it into a ball and slid it towards him on the floor. Bats love to hold onto things so he immediately started crawling towards it and climbed on to snuggle it. Once he was on it, my partner got an empty shoe box and quickly put it on top of him, encapsulating the towel too, allowing us to slide the lid underneath, giving the whole thing structure to carry. This way he was safe in a soft, small space, and we could relocate him without fear of injuring ourselves. Moving swiftly outside, we placed it down at the base of a tree, and slowly took the box off. The little bat immediately started crawling towards the tree, and scaled it in no time. Safe and sound!

Last month I gave a peek at where one of my WIPs was, along with a look at the finished piece of Mint + the pin prototype. I decided that since I was done Mint, that I would start my next piece so... I went and got the thread for it! It's artwork from one of the cards in the Pokemon Trading Card Game for the GBC. I'm so excited to keep making progress on this one... it's going to be a lot of fun. I did realize the other night though that I added an extra stitch to the width... so now I have to very carefully pre-plan how I'm going to stitch the whole thing so that I don't obstruct the centre image and have it look messed up!! Not a huge inconvenience but a slight annoyance if anything... oh well. This is what I get for not marking a grid on my aida or at least stitching one lmfao.

Along with my partner's birthday, it was also my Dad's! I went to my parents house for the day and boy howdy was it an adventure. My dad bought himself a new fancy barbecue since the old one was dying, and I helped him put it together on the back deck. Halfway through the process, it started raining and storming heavily to the point where we didn't want to be under the deck covering at all in fear of the tree branches above falling! A little while into the storm, the power went out. We learned later it was due to lightning hitting a power line 2 blocks over. To be honest it was very anxiety-inducing; out-of-the-blue storm raging, very loud sirens in the not-so-far distance... it was very surreal. Eventually the sirens subsided and the storm passed, and just as it was before the weather rolled in, it was a beautiful sunny day.

Boys update: still precious, still silly. Echo keeps getting himself into mischief of course and Spicy is just trying to live his life without getting harassed by his brother. Overall though I'd say they're doing just fine!
That's it for this month! If you want to time travel a bit, why not check out last month's post for July, or the Photo Journal Tag!